Templates from in-cluster Sources

ClusterObjectTemplate and ObjectTemplate are APIs defined in Package Operator. These APIs make it possible to create objects by templating a manifest and injecting values retrieved from other arbitrary source objects. The source objects are then continuously monitored and any change in the source values result in an updated templated object.

A subset of this functionality can be achieved by mounting secrets or configmaps, however there are multiple benefits to using the ObjectTemplate API. First, values can be sourced from any arbitrary kubernetes object, not just secrets or configmaps. Second, when a source value is updated a new version of the templated object will be created i.e. the value will not just be silently updated. Third, when a source value is specified as optional and is not present, package operator will continue to reconcile the templated object. At some point, if the source value becomes available, package operator will eventually pick up the value and recreate the templated object.


Say we have an ObjectTemplate called example-object-template which templates a package called test-stub.

apiVersion: package-operator.run/v1alpha1
kind: ObjectTemplate
  name: example-object-template
  namespace: default
  - apiVersion: v1
    - destination: .nice_to_have_metadata
      key: .data.nice_to_have_metadata
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: metadata-config
    namespace: default
    optional: true
  - apiVersion: v1
      - destination: .database
        key: .data.database
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: database-config
    namespace: default
    optional: false
  template: |
    apiVersion: package-operator.run/v1alpha1
    kind: Package
      name: test-stub
      image: "quay.io/package-operator/test-stub-package:v1.0.0-47-g3405dde"
      config: {{toJson .config}}

IMPORTANT: the key and destination values must be JSONPaths, i.e. have a leading dot.

example-object-template sources values from database-config

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: database-config
  namespace: default
  database: database-123

and metadata-config

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: metadata-config
  namespace: default
  nice_to_have_metadata: useful-label

The database-config source is not optional, so we have to make sure to create it before creating example-object-template:

kubectl create -f database-config.yaml

We can now create example-object-template:

kubectl create -f example-object-template.yaml

We can retrieve the yaml of the created package with:

kubectl get package test-stub -o yaml

which will return something like:

apiVersion: package-operator.run/v1alpha1
kind: Package
  creationTimestamp: "2023-03-17T14:09:05Z"
  - package-operator.run/loader-job
  generation: 1
    package-operator.run/cache: "True"
  name: test-stub
  namespace: default
  - apiVersion: package-operator.run/v1alpha1
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: ObjectTemplate
    name: example-object-template
    uid: f8072c83-7760-4baf-9155-25901c7999eb
  resourceVersion: "201176"
  uid: 4ceda067-14b7-439d-8040-e983dd7d1545
    database: database-123
  image: quay.io/package-operator/test-stub-package:v1.0.0-47-g3405dde
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-03-17T14:09:05Z"
    message: Unpack job in progress
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: Unpacking
    status: "False"
    type: Unpacked
  phase: NotReady

We can see that the database value from database-config was successfully injected into the package’s config field. Because the metadata-config configmap does not exist and the item is optional, the creation of the package went through normally, and we just don’t have a nice_to_have_metadata entry in the config.

If we run kubectl describe objecttemplate example-object-template, we can see that the status conditions from test-stub where copied over to example-object-template.

Now if we create the metadata-config configmap

kubectl create -f metadata-config.yaml

and retrieve the package yaml again (kubectl get package test-stub -o yaml), we see that the generation has been increased and that nice_to_have_metadata has been injected into the package’s config field.