
Package Operator Manager

The main work of Package Operator is done by the Package Operator Manager. This component is run as a deployment with a single replica. It contains the controllers for (Cluster)Package, (Cluster)ObjectDeployment, and (Cluster)ObjectSet resources. It also contains a controller for (Cluster)ObjectSetPhase objects. This controller reconciles (Cluster)ObjectSetPhases with the .spec.class set to default.

Package Operator Manager also contains functionality to copy its own binary and load packages, which is discussed in the Loading Package Images Section, and functionality to allow Package Operator to bootstrap itself, which is discussed on the Installation Page.


There is a validation webhook server that can optionally be run with package operator. This webhook server verifies the immutability of certain fields of ObjectSet and ObjectSetPhase resources. If one of these immutable fields is changed in an update, the webhook server will disallow the update.

Loading Package Images

A package is a single artifact that contains all manifests, configuration, and metadata needed to run an application or operator. This single artifact takes the form of a non-runnable container image. This image is supplied to Package Operator in a (Cluster)Package object.

When Package Operator reconciles a (Cluster)Package object, it needs to access the content of the package image. Package Operator does this by deploying a separate Kubernetes Job. This Job has two containers, an init container called prepare-loader and a regular container called package-loader.

The prepare-loader container uses the package-operator-manager image and copies the package-operator-manager binary to a shared volume that both containers in the Job have access to. We have to do this because as mentioned before, the package image is non-runnable, so we have to assume it has no shell or copy utilities to unpack the files it contains.

The package-loader container then uses the package-operator-manager binary to create an ObjectDeployment that contains all the necessary information from the package image. The Job then finishes and is garbage collected.